About Me
I love being a mother. More than pretty much anything else I’ve ever done. My daughters are hilarious and silly and loving and curious and so unbelievably earnest. They crack me up, remind me not to take myself too seriously, and to paraphrase Jack Nicholson, they make me want to be a better person.
And they make me nuts. As I don’t need to tell you, parenting is hard. Somedays it’s just ugh-I-really-don’t-want-to-pack-another-lunch hard, some days it’s if-this-child-throws-one-more-tantrum-I’m-going-to-lose-my-mind hard, and some days it’s painful and scary and confusing and knock-me-off-my-center hard.
I like to think of parenting as my own little Peace Corps – the toughest job I’ll ever love – but with a lot more poop. (Although now that the girls are well past the potty training phase, I may have to find a new tagline.)
Parenting brings out the best in me, and some days it brings out the worst. Mostly, that comes in the form of yelling. I was never a yeller before I had kids, and I don’t want to be one anymore. Through a lot of research, trial, and error, I’ve found that practicing mindfulness, sleeping, and taking care of myself helps me stay calm (or at least calmer) when things get crazy in our house or just inside my own mind.
Parenting is not only the most meaningful personal work of my life, but it has guided and shaped my professional endeavors as well. I’ve written numerous articles and four books about parenting, including You Are Not a Sh*tty Parent: How to Practice Self-Compassion and Give Yourself a Break (Workman, 2022) and the bestselling How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids (Workman, 2019). My newest book for kids – How to Stop Freaking Out: The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Your Cool When Life Feels Chaotic – was published by Workman Kids in the fall of 2024.
Click here for a copy of my media kit, including headshots and book cover images.

And now, for the boring but cool stuff:
- Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker (LICSW) in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
- PhD in Clinical Social Work from Simmons College School of Social Work, 2012
- Masters in Social Work (MSW) from Smith College School for Social Work, 2003
- Certificate in Mindfulness and Psychotherapy from the Institute for Meditation and Psychotherapy
- BA in Psychology from Middlebury College, 1998
Professional Affiliations:
- Board Certified Diplomate in Clinical Social Work (BCD)
- Member, Academy of Clinical Social Workers (ACSW)
- Member, National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Here is my short bio:
Carla Naumburg, PhD, LICSW is the author of five books, including the bestselling How to Stop Losing Your Sh*t With Your Kids (Workman, 2019) and its middle-grade companion How to Stop Freaking Out (Workman Kids, 2024). Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, CNN, and Mindful Magazine, among other places. Carla lives in Massachusetts with her husband and two daughters.