News & Updates
How to Stop Freaking Out : The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Cool When Life Gets Chaotic publishes on September 10, 2024 and I’m so freaking (haha!) excited to share it with all of you!
For more details about my first book for kids, head over to the book page or scroll down for a list of podcasts.
Can Parenting Young Kids Actually Be a Spiritual Practice?
Sometime during my first pregnancy, or maybe soon after the baby was born, my mother-in-law gave me a copy of “Parenting as a Spiritual Journey” by Rabbi Nancy Fuchs Kramer. I put the book in a pile with all of the other parenting books I intended to read; some of...
No More Bad Mother
I'm really good at the bad mother talk. You know what I'm talking about. Those little ways we knock ourselves down when we think we aren't making the "right" parenting choice. For example: "I'm such a bad mother. I gave my daughters mac 'n cheese from the box three...
Back on the Blog, This Time with a Book! (Well, Almost.)
It’s been about a month since I’ve posted on this blog, and while some of the reasons are fairly banal (random viruses, strep, school vacations, etc.), the main reason I haven’t been writing as much here is because I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my...
After Much Thought, We Finally Made a Decision About Jewish Day School
So, we’ve made a decision. Our older daughter will be starting kindergarten at the Jewish Community Day School (JCDS) just outside Boston in the fall. That’s right. We’re sending her to day school. And we’re psyched about it. Perhaps more importantly, she’s psyched...
The Dirty Little Secret About Parenting Experts
“A recent study has shown that if American parents read one more long-form think piece about parenting they will go fucking ape shit.” That’s the opening line to the latest New Yorker piece making the rounds of my Facebook feed, and the rest of the article is just as...
I Don’t Make Homemade Play-Doh and I Don’t Feel Guilty About It
I see that sheet of paper every time I drop the girls off at preschool. There’s a green one in my older daughter’s classroom and a yellow one in my younger daughter’s. Each page has three columns: one for your name, one for the date, and one for the color...
13 Ways Mindfulness Makes Me a Better Parent
I recently got the following question on my Twitter feed: Do you feel meditation has really changed you? More relaxing, less stress? So on? The short answer to these questions is YES! All of the above! But that answer isn’t terribly helpful, so I thought it would be...
My Daughters and I Love “Mary Poppins” For Very Different Reasons
I had forgotten so much of it. How could have I have forgotten? I probably watched the movie hundreds of times when I was a child. I knew every single line, from Jane and Michael’s job description for a new nanny to the jokes that Bert and Uncle Albert told when they...