News & Updates
How to Stop Freaking Out : The Ultimate Guide to Keeping Cool When Life Gets Chaotic publishes on September 10, 2024 and I’m so freaking (haha!) excited to share it with all of you!
For more details about my first book for kids, head over to the book page or scroll down for a list of podcasts.
Parenting: This Sh*t is Hard
My daughters only had two and a half days of school last week, which meant I had to cram all of my work into the remaining two and a half days. On Monday morning I kissed my husband and wished him a good work trip to Florida, dropped my daughters off at school, and...
I Think I’m a Highly Sensitive Mama. How Do I Parent Without Losing My Mind? (Reader Question)
Dr. Naumburg, I think I’m a “highly sensitive person.” I am so damn sound sensitive that I can’t stand my kids in the morning right now. I feel like I’m going to have an anxiety attack. I’ve recently realized that my anxiety is almost all about the noise. Noisy day =...
Should I Make My Daughters Hug Each Other? (Reader Question)
I received this question from a reader, and with her permission, I’m answering it here on the blog. Dr. Naumburg, My older daughter (who I’ll call #1) is seven years old, and her sister (#2) is four and a half. #1 is consistently friendly, compassionate, and helpful...
How to Discipline Your Kids Mindfully (Podcast Interview)
You know you don’t want to yell at them, but what do you do when your kids are driving you crazy? How do you teach them right from wrong? In this episode, Hunter Clarke-Fields and I talk about discipline –what we thought about it before we had kids, how we’ve shifted,...
Support: You Can’t Parent Without It
I’ve started going to restorative yoga classes once a week. These classes are basically like naptime, but stretchier. Our teacher’s primary instruction is to “get as comfortable as you can in each pose,” and she teaches us how to use cushions, yoga blocks, blankets,...
How to Deal With Your Child’s Public Accidents Without Losing Your Mind (Reader Question)
I received this question from a reader, and with her permission, I’m answering it here on the blog. Dr. Naumburg, My 7 year old daughter has started having pee accidents again, and yesterday she peed on the side of the soccer field during her game! I saw her squatting...
How to Parent a Picky Eater Without Losing Your Mind
Most people don’t realize I’m a picky eater because, well, I’m a grown-up. The truth is that I have been highly selective (ahem) since I was a little girl; I’m just better at hiding it now. I’m also the mother of one consistently and highly selective eater and one...
You Can’t Predict Your Kid’s Future, So No Need to Stress About It
I love airports. The inevitable lines, layovers, and delays rarely bother me because I’m just so damn happy to be there. I sit and watch the people go by; I check out their luggage choices and eavesdrop on their conversations and wonder why anyone would travel in 4”...